GFP Policy
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DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4161.02, Accountability and Management of Government Contract Property provides overall GFP guidance. FAR 52.245-1, Government Property establishes the foundational GFP requirements. The following 2 DFARS clauses compel accurate management and reporting of GFP by contractors:
- DFARS 252.245-7003, Contractor Property Management System Administration: Provides guidance on what is an acceptable contractor system or systems for managing and controlling Government Property
- DFARS 252.245-7005, Management and Reporting of Government Property: Provides reporting requirements when contractors are in custody of government property. Replaces DFARS clauses 252.211-7007 Reporting of Government-Furnished Property, 252.245-7001 Tagging, Labeling, and Marking of Government-Furnished Property, 252,245-7002 Reporting Loss of Government Property, and 252.245-7004 Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal.
The consolidated GFP DFARS Clause 252.245-7005 which became effective 22 January 2024 streamlines and clarifies contractor requirements when government property is in the contractor's custody. The consolidated clause requires reporting to only the GFP Module, extends reporting of shipment and transfer to non-serially manged items, clarified item unique identification requirements for GFP, and requires reporting of embedded serially managed items among other changes. An overview of the clause is available here
In addition to DPC GFP policy, the following OSD organizations also provide GFP policy direction:
OSD Logistics: Provides GFP policy related to the DoD Supply System, especially Government Furnished Material provisioned from the Supply System as defined in DoDI 4140.01, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Policy which establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for management of materiel across the DoD supply chain including materiel in the possession of contractors.