GFP Disposition Information

The GFP Module Contractor Acquired Property (CAP) and GFP dispositioning capabilities are required by DFARS 252.245-7005 Management and Reporting of Government Property. The Property Loss capability was added to the GFP Module in November 2019. The Property Loss capability enables the contractor to create a Property Loss case either by web entry or Excel upload. The contractor selects the DoD Property Administrator (PA) who receives an email when the case is submitted. The PA, and in some situations, the contracting officer, adjudicate the case. When the PA closes the case, it is digitally signed and the contractor receives an email. The contractor can review the case file in the GFP Module. The Case Summary is uploaded automatically to the contract file in EDA.

In February 2020, the CAP Pre-screening capability was added to the GFP Module. This feature provides a transparent method for contractors to identify CAP that they want to buy back, have converted to GFP, or have donated (under special contractual circumstances). The contractor selects their contracting officer who receives an email alerting them that there is a pending CAP Pre-screening request. The contracting officer will concur or non-concur with the contractor’s request. If the request is to convert the CAP to GFP, a stub of the GFP Attachment for the gaining contract will be crafted from the data.
NOTE: The CAP must be delivered on a line item on the contract under which it was procured or fabricated before it can become GFP.

Plant Clearance was the last step of the GFP Module dispositioning capability. The Plant Clearance capability went into production 19 November 2021 and has replaced the DCMA Plant Clearance and Reutilization Screening Service (PCARSS). Similar to Property Loss, contractors submit inventory schedules of excess CAP or GFP by selecting items from their accountable items list within the GFP Module, populating and uploading an Excel template, or by manually entering data. Inventory schedule creation is by web entry or Excel upload. Plant Clearance Officers (PLCOs) make disposition determination and provide direction to the contractor in the GFP Module Plant Clearance capability. Contractors upload confirmation of disposition action to the Plant Clearance case. Upon case closure by the PLCO, the non-modifiable PDF case summary is uploaded automatically to the contract file in EDA.

For more information, see the GFP Training page for Property Loss, CAP Pre-screening, and Plant Clearance training.