GFP Attachment Information

DFARS PGI 245.103-72 “GFP attachments to solicitations and awards” establishes the requirement to document in contract attachments the property authorized as GFP in performance of a contract. The GFP Attachment should accompany procurement requests (PR), solicitations, and contract awards or modifications when GFP is anticipated. The GFP Attachment is the authorization; it is NOT the list of items the contractor has in its custody at a given point in time.

The GFP Attachment is created in the GFP Module, a Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) application. When approved by the Contracting Officer, the GFP Attachment is uploaded to the contract in EDA.

GFP Module GFP Attachment training is available on the GFP Training page

The GFP Module application is HERE

There is ONE GFP Attachment for the contract/order that identifies any government property the contractor is authorized to have in their custody. Any changes to the GFP Attachment over the life of the contract require both a contract modification and a GFP Attachment update to create a consolidated, conformed list of authorized GFP.

The GFP Attachment is a single consolidated document that identifies contract information, serially managed GFP items, non-serially managed GFP items, and items for which the contractor is given requisitioning authority which are paid for by DoD.

  • Serially managed items are provided to the contractor by DoD and require all events identified in DFARS 252.211-7007 to be reported by the contractor. The contractor will be required to enter or select Unique Item Identifier (UII) or Serial Number for any actions (receipt, shipment, loss, excess) associated with serially managed items.

  • Non-serially managed items are provided to the contractor by DoD and require only the event of GFP receipt to be reported.

  • Items that are authorized to be requisitioned by the contractor and paid for by DoD are listed on the Requisitioned Items section. Note that items for which the contractor has authorization to requisition which are paid for by the contractor are considered Contractor Furnished Material and are therefore NOT identified on the GFP Attachment.

The GFP Module introduces a workflow capability for the GFP Attachment and includes the roles of Initiator, Reviewer, and Approver. Note that the Approver can initiate and approve a GFP Attachment in one step. Anticipated users of each role include:

  • Initiator: Requiring activity or program office knowledgeable about the GFP required for performance of the contract

  • Reviewer: Material Control Activity, Logistics, Property Officer, Accountable Property Officer (APO) and other Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) personnel concerned about the impact to their inventories, workloads, or area of responsibility. There can be zero to many Reviewers.

  • Approver: Generally the contracting officer; must be a contracting role

Once an attachment associated with an award or a modification is approved, the GFP Attachment is automatically uploaded to Electronic Data Access (EDA) when the related contract award, order, or modification is present in EDA. Once uploaded to EDA, the GFP Attachment status is “Approved.” If the related document is not yet in EDA, the GFP Attachment status will be “Approved – Not in EDA” and the system will check each night for the matching contractual artifact. When the match is found, the GFP Attachment will be uploaded.

Creating the GFP Attachment

There are four ways for an Initiator to create a GFP Attachment in the GFP Module:

  • Manual entry of data in the GFP Module

  • Upload specific populated Excel template

  • Reuse of an approved GFP Attachment in the GFP Module

  • XML submission (machine to machine)

The Initiator will identify the Approver organization Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) and optionally a specific Approver by name. Further, one or more Review DoDAACs with optional named reviewers or functional organizations can be identified. Reviewers are optional.

Mandatory fields on the GFP Attachment are identified by asterisks. Some fields are conditional (meaning if one field is populated then a related field becomes required). Please see the Appendix to the GFP Attachment training for individual field size and format requirements. If you are copying data from another source into the GFP Attachment Excel template, copy “values” only (the icon with “123” on it). The GFP Attachment Excel template structure cannot be modified.

Reviewing the GFP Attachment

Reviewers have access to open and review the GFP Attachment in the sequential order identified by the Initiator. Users with the role of Reviewer in each review organization must look in their “Review Folder” in the GFP Module to locate GFP Attachments that are ready for their review. The Initiator has the option to identify the Reviewer by name. In this case, the Reviewer will receive an email alerting them of the pending action. The Reviewer will access the GFP Module and open their “Review Folder,” open and evaluate the GFP Attachment, and either “review” it to move it to the next Reviewer (or the Approver), or return it to the Initiator for rework. Note that the Reviewer may make changes to the GFP Attachment that will be included in changes going forward in the workflow. On documents returned to the Initiator, any recommended changes must be included in the comments field; changes to the GFP Attachment itself are not retained when the document is returned.

Approving the GFP Attachment

When all of the Reviewers have reviewed the GFP Attachment, the GFP Attachment will be available for action in the “Approval Folder” of users that have Approver role in the Approver DoDAAC. The Approver will log on to the GFP Module and retrieve the GFP Attachment from the “Approval Folder.” If the GFP Attachment is acceptable, the Approver can approve it. After approval, if the GFP Attachment is related to a contract/order award or contract/order modification, the GFP Module will search EDA for the matching document. If the match is found, the GFP Attachment is uploaded to and accessible in EDA. If the matching document is not found, the GFP Module will search EDA for the matching document each night. The GFP Attachment Aging Report, available in EDA, shows the number of days each approved GFP Attachment has been pending.