General GFP Information
The GFP Module is a Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) application for both DoD and contractor users that, when fully implemented, will consolidate all GFP tools, capabilities, and processes into a single location. As the DoD's single face to industry for GFP, the GFP Module improves GFP visibility and streamlines processing through data reuse. The oversight and visibility of GFP enabled by the GFP Module will address the DoD material audit weakness related to government property in the custody of contractors. Use of the GFP Module's currently deployed capabilities is required by policy and regulation as identified below.
The GFP Module is live and its functions are being deployed in multiple phases:
Phase 1 – GFP Attachment – Deployed April 2018
This initial phase established the GFP Attachment initiation, review, and approval process in the GFP Module as required in DFARS PGI 245.103-72. After approval, the non-modifiable PDF of the GFP Attachment is uploaded to Electronic Data Access (EDA) and attached to the contract. The GFP Attachment authorizes the contractor to have government property in its custody and is the data foundation for the physical GFP items. See the GFP Attachment page for complete information.
Phase 2 – GFP Property Transfer – Deployed July 2018
The Property Transfer capability area enables visibility of GFP shipping and receiving actions. DoD Instructions (DoDI) 5000.64 and 4140.01 require electronic transactions to exchange GFP accountability data. DFARS 252.211-7007 requires contractors to report GFP receipt, shipment, and transfer events. The GFP Module Property Transfer capability area implements the requirements of the DoDIs and the DFARS.
Data from the GFP Attachment and from prior actions in the GFP Module can be reused in a "point and click" manner to create a shipment or receipt document. Shipments and receipts are compared to the GFP Attachment and discrepancies generate email notification to the Contracting Officer.
Items that are identified as serially managed on the GFP Attachment will require the contractor to identify the item’s serial number or Unique Item Identifier (UII) upon receipt or shipment. The contractor can select items for shipment that were previously receipted in the GFP Module. The GFP Position Report hosted in EDA provides visibility of GFP in the contractor's custody in real time based on the contract number or the contractor's CAGE.
Phase 3 – Plant Clearance and Property Loss – Property Loss deployed Nov 2019; Plant Clearance deployed Nov 2021
This phase implements the capability for DoD to direct disposition actions for government property in the custody of a contractor. Since November 2019, the Property Loss application has been available for new Property Loss cases. DFARS 252.245-7002 requires contractors to submit property loss cases to the GFP Module Property Loss capability area.
The Contractor Acquired Property (CAP) Pre-screening capability in the GFP Module enables contractors to request concurrence from the Contracting Officer to buy back CAP or to transition CAP to GFP. CAP must be delivered on an identifying line item on a contract prior to becoming GFP.
The Plant Clearance capability area was deployed in November 2021. Concurrently, a class deviation to DFARS 252.245-7004 was released. DCMA issued mass modifications to encorporate the Class Deviation in summer 2022 and the previous eTool called PCARSS no longer accepts new inventory schedules from contrctors.
Phase 4 – Item Update While in Contractor Custody – 2023
During this phase, currently under development, the GFP Module will be enhanced to capture updates that are made to GFP while in the contractor's custody. Updates include changes to National Stock Numbers, Part Numbers, or other product identifiers including assignment and marking of a Unique Item Identifier. Further, the GFP Module will be enhanced to capture the contractor repair process status updates including the abitlity to requisition from the DoD Supply System.
Phase 5 – Data Integration – 2023-2024 (subject to change)
The Data Integration capability of the GFP Module will exchange data, preferably in Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS) format, with DoD Accountable Property Systems of Record (APSRs) and the DLA supply system. Interfaces will be developed to ensure synchronization with DoD APSRs when items move to or from contractor custody, when items leave DoD inventory due to property loss or plant clearance events, or when items change form, fit, or function while in contractor custody.
Training Resources
Training via webinar is offered on each of the capabilities and the schedule is posted here. The slides are posted under GFP Training with many sessions available in a pre-recorded format linked at the bottom of the page.
If you would like to set up an individualized training session for your organization, please contact us.