Financial Assistance Award Data Collection (FAADC)

Financial Assistance Award Data Collection (FAADC) system was developed to collect assistance information regarding grants, payments, loans, insurance, and agreements via direct entry on the web, XML business services submissions, or a combination of these methods. FAADC is used to comply with Federal financial assistance reporting requirements such as the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) and the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act) and is required for Component use per the DoD Grant and Agreement Regulations (DoDGARs). Data from FAADC is sent to, which is the official source of government spending data, and is accessible to the public.

FAADC training slides03/2023View >>
FAADC New Version 1.2 Specifications03/2023View >>
FAADC Documentation in FPDS WORKSITE (located on the right of the screen in the Worksite) page03/2023View >>