Systems and Tools

Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy Program Development and Implementation is responsible for functional e-business procurement requirements. In this role, PDI guides the implementation and improvement of DoD Enterprise e-business systems. 

Many systems and tools are aggregated under the umbrella Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) which provides single sign on to:

  • iRAPT (Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer)
  • EDA (Electronic Document Access)
  • My Invoice
  • IUID (Item Unique Identification) Registry
  • CORT Tool (Contracting Officer Representative Tool)
  • eMIPR (electronic Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request)
  • MRS (Management Reporting System)
  • NCCS (NISP Contract Classification System)
  • Contract Closeout

WAWF can be accessed at After clicking "Accept", you can find registration and new user information on the top right hand corner of the next page.

Information related to other systems and tools that support the DoD e-business enterprise are included on this DoD Procurement Toolbox.