Clause Logic Service (CLS)
The Clause Logic Service (CLS) is a web service designed to aid in the procurement process within the Department of Defense (DoD). The primary function of this service is to allow for consistent inclusion of provisions and clauses into procurement documents. The goal of CLS is to improve the integrity of contracts developed across the DoD by providing a centralized, web based, intelligent business logic clause-generating service. This service is mandatory for any newly developed contract writing system (CWS).
CLS provides the functionality for procurement personnel to answer a standard set of questions and receive all provisions and clauses appropriate for that acquisition. The system chooses provisions and clauses using a standard set of system logic rules for the current Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). The application provides an export capability for users to save the results of their provisions and clauses in a Procurement Data Standard (PDS) compliant Extensible Markup Language (XML) message that is sent to their agency's integrated CWS for inclusion in their contract action.