Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE)

The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) website provides a standalone solution to search for foreign and domestic entity's CAGE information. Site capabilities include:

The CAGE Program Office is dedicated to support the federal registration process to include the Department of Defense and International entities by:

  • Performing entity management via vendor validation when assigning a new CAGE Code or when information is changed for an existing CAGE Code.

  • Providing specific guidance to all customers in support of their request for a new CAGE Code or when performing an update for an existing CAGE Code.

Note: Entities are required to go through their National Codification Bureau (NCB) if they are North Atlantic Treaty Organizations (NATO) and Tier II Nations. If the NON-U.S. vendor resides outside of these NATO and the Tier II Nations, they will go through the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).


Standard Operating Procedures

CAGE/NCAGE Registration Procedures [PDF]- This document provides an overview of the CAGE/NCAGE registration process.10/2016View >>


Acronyms [PDF] - Display CAGE-related acronyms.10/2016View >>


FAQs09/2014View >>

CAGE Forms

CAGE Forms09/2014View >>